Have your friends, family, and co-workers been requesting that you invest in hearing aids but you’ve been stubbornly avoiding it? Are you thinking that your hearing loss isn’t that severe at the moment and getting a hearing aid isn’t worth it? If your hearing keeps getting worse, it could cost you up to $30,000 per […]
You might develop hearing loss as you get older, particularly if you regularly expose yourself to loud noise. Likewise, if you work on a noisy factory floor and don’t use hearing protection, hearing loss might be in your future. These are fairly common and well known causes of hearing loss. But within the past few […]
For you and the people in your life, coping with hearing loss can take some work to adjust to. It can also come with some perils. What’s going to happen if you can’t hear a fire alarm or someone calling your name? If you have neglected hearing loss, you won’t hear those car noises that […]
Even when it’s somewhat minor, hearing loss can have a major impact on your life. There will be a considerable change in the way you communicate with loved ones, friends, and coworkers. Daily tasks like going to the grocery store can grow more challenging. But it doesn’t need to have this type of negative impact […]
Want to suck all the joy out of your next family get-together? Start to talk about dementia. Dementia is not a subject most people are actively looking to talk about, mainly because it’s rather scary. A degenerative mental disease in which you gradually (or, more frighteningly, quickly) lose your cognitive faculties, dementia causes you to […]
You walk into the kitchen to look for a bite to eat. Are you craving a salty treat… maybe some crackers? Potato chips sound good! Wait. Maybe this leftover piece of cheesecake. Actually, maybe you should just have a banana. A banana is a healthier option obviously. With the human body, everything is interconnected. So […]
No two cases of hearing loss are identical You should not expect your experience with impaired hearing to be precisely the same as somebody else who might have the same hearing loss condition. No two instances of hearing loss are exactly alike. While you might be able to relate to someone else with hearing loss, […]
Gatherings. So many family gatherings. During the holidays, it probably seems like you’re meeting (or re-meeting) a new long-lost relative almost every weekend. The holiday season can be fun (and also challenging) because of this. Usually, it’s easy to look forward to this yearly catching up. You get to learn what everybody’s been doing all […]
You arrive at your company’s annual holiday party and you’re immediately assaulted by noise. The din of shouted conversations, the clanging of glasses, and the pulsating beat of music are all mixing in your ears. You’re not enjoying it at all. You can’t hear a thing in this noisy environment. You can’t keep up with […]
While everyone has encountered a runny nose, we don’t often talk about other kinds of cold symptoms because they are less frequent. Once in a while, a cold can go into one or both ears, but you rarely hear about those. While you might generally consider colds as harmless, here’s why this ear-related cold symptom […]