Finally, it’s summer!! This summer season offers a lot of fun. But before you hit the beach, the concert, or the backyard barbecue, remember to protect your hearing. When you’re out appreciating summer, do keep in mind that your hearing can be damaged by loud noises. So it’s essential to take measures to protect your […]
Remember when you used to be able to find those gallon buckets of ice cream at the grocery store? An entire gallon of ice cream, yum! But you begin to become more specific in your taste as you get older. Your ice cream tastes become more specialized and you have a tendency to go for […]
Don’t forget to wash your ears. Whenever you say that, you unavoidably use your “parent voice”. Maybe when you were a child you even recall your parents telling you to do it. That’s the sort of memory that can remind you of simpler times as you wrap yourself in the nostalgia of youth. But that […]
What’s a cyborg? You probably imagine a half human, half machine when you think of a cyborg, particularly if you love science fiction movies (these characters are typically cleverly used to touch on the human condition). You can get some truly wild cyborgs in Hollywood. But actually, someone wearing something as basic as a pair […]
You take care of your hearing aids. When you go to bed, you always put them comfortably on the charger and you clean them every day. Suddenly and discouragingly, your hearing aids are no longer working the way they once did. There are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the problem, thankfully. Just […]
While it could be true that older hearing aids are better than no hearing aids, chances are what small advantage you get from them comes at a cost. Hearing aid technology has progressed a great deal in the last few years! A decade ago many of the features of modern hearing aids weren’t even on […]
Assistive listening devices and hearing aids can be used to treat the common condition of hearing loss. But hearing loss is often ignored and untreated. For people who suffered from hearing loss, this can bring about feelings of social-isolation and depression. And these feelings of depression and separation can be increased by the breakdown of […]
In the past they were called “books-on-tape”. Back then, obviously, we didn’t even have CDs never mind streaming services. Nowadays, people refer to them as audiobooks (which, to be honest, is a much better name). With an audiobook, you can listen to the book being read by a narrator. It’s kind of like having somebody […]
Do you recall the old tale about Johnny Appleseed? In elementary school, you may have been taught that he migrated across the United States, bringing the gift of nourishing apples to every community he visited (you should eat apples because they’re good for you and that’s the moral of the story). Actually, that isn’t the […]
Have you ever had your car break down in the middle of the road? It’s not a fun situation. Your car has to be safely pulled off the road. And then, for whatever reason, you probably pop your hood and have a look at your engine. Humorously, you still do this even though you have […]